How to breed mealworms. A step by step guide to create a mealworm farm

Mealworms are a popular food for many pet reptiles and birds, and they are easy to raise at home Before we tell you how to farm mealworms here is a quick overview about their lifecycle. 


Mealworms, also known as Tenebrio molitor, are the larvae of the darkling beetle. They go through a complete metamorphosis, meaning they have four distinct stages in their life cycle: egg, larva (mealworm), pupa, and adult (We have written a in-depth blog, check it out for more info). The eggs hatch into larvae, which are small, white, worm-like creatures. The larvae grow and molt several times as they eat and develop. When they are ready to pupate, they burrow into the substrate and form a cocoon. Inside the cocoon, the larvae transform into pupae, which are non-feeding and inactive. Finally, the pupae emerge as adult beetles, which mate and lay eggs to start the cycle again.

mealworm life cycle - mealworm breeding farm

Here is a step-by-step guide for growing mealworms in your home:

  1. Gather supplies: You can either build your own, for that you will need a container with a lid (such as a plastic storage bin), a substrate (such as bran or oats), and mealworms. Or you can buy one of our mealworms growing pods

  2. Set up your pods / container: Place a layer of substrate in the bottom of the container. Add the mealworms on top of the substrate.

  3. Add food: Mealworms will eat a variety of foods, including grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can add small pieces of these foods to the container to feed the mealworms.

  4. Keep the container at the right temperature: Mealworms need to be kept at a temperature between 22-28 Celsius / 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit in order to grow and breed. You can use a heat lamp or heating pad to keep the container at the right temperature.

  5. Monitor the mealworms: Check the container regularly to make sure the substrate is moist and the mealworms have enough food. If the substrate becomes too dry, add a little water. If the mealworms start to run out of food, add more.

  6. Harvest the mealworms: When the mealworms have reached their desired size, you can remove them from the container and feed them to your pets. To do this, simply sift through the substrate and remove the mealworms by hand.

  7. Start a new batch: Once you have harvested the mealworms, you can start a new batch by adding more mealworms to the container and repeating the process.

By following these steps, you will be able to successfully grow mealworms at home to feed to your pets.

mealworm breeding farm

What animals like eating mealworms? 

Mealworms are a popular food for many pet reptiles and birds. Many species of reptiles, such as lizards, turtles, and snakes, enjoy eating mealworms as a protein-rich treat. Some species of birds, such as chickens, ducks, and finches, also enjoy eating mealworms. In addition, many other types of pets, such as hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and rodents, may also enjoy eating mealworms as a supplement to their diet.